Qu'est-ce que le Sahaj Marg ? Approche d'un concept évolutif

dimanche 9 mars 2008

Très sombre année 1982 pour le Sahaj Marg

(Dernière actualisation le 3 septembre 2009)

Si l'on en croit les derniers documents publiés par Shashwat Pandey, Babuji écrit un courrier incendiaire à Chari le 6 avril 1982 auquel ce dernier répond le 12 avril. D'après Navneet Kumar Saxena, Babuji aurait ensuite rédigé une lettre de nomination de son fils Umesh Chandra le 16 avril suivant. Mais ce n'est que le 28 juin qu'il nomme S.A. Sarnad secrétaire de la Mission en lieu et place de Chari, d'après Shashwat…
Puis le 2 septembre, d'après Navneet, il écrit à MD Jahagirdar que Chari dérive de l'enseignement initial, qu'il se présente illégitimement comme son successeur et qu'il a tenté de l'empoisonner à plusieurs reprises depuis 4 ans, mais qu'il a trouvé son successeur. Il ne le nomme pas mais annonce aussi qu'il devra être accompagné par Srivastava, Narayana et Kashi Ram Agarwal ainsi que Nasib Chand.

Rappelons auparavant le contexte général. En 1981, les seniors précepteurs Raghavendra Rao et Ramachandra Reddy entament une tournée non officielle aux USA avec Umeshchandra Saxena, un fils de Babuji qui n'est même pas précepteur. Tout est devenu très sombre en 1982 lors du voyage de Babuji en France. André Poray est partout en avant de la scène, Chari qui n'a pas été invité est relégué en coulisses. Babuji est très malade.

Shashwat Pandey ne nous fournit pas le contenu de la lettre de Babuji à Chari, mais la réponse de ce dernier (à lire ici). Chari cite Babuji : "something more is needed on your part, and you are aware of it." Et il lui demande pardon pour ses échecs et erreurs tout en l'assurant de son amour et de sa volonté de bien faire…

Chari aurait joué au larbin bien intentionné… mais Babuji avait-il encore toute sa tête ?

En voici une transcription APPROXIMATIVE, le document n'étant pas toujours bien lisible et mon anglais limité(merci à ceux qui pourront me corriger) :

12th April 82

My Beloved Master,
May you live long. Your presence on this world is of
utmost essentiality for the welfare of humanity.
I am grateful for your affectionate letter of the 6th
April under ref: No.1739. I have been pondering over what to
reply, because it is not easy to understand all that you have
written. All that I am able to understand is that you expect
from me something that is now lacking. You have written that
"something more is needed on your part, and you are aware of it."
I am aware that there are very many things that are needed on my
part. The difficulty is to know what. I would be most grateful if
you would kindly elaborate and give me more detailed comments.
I have been trying to come up to your expectations, but
it is obvious that I have so far failed. From your last sentence
it is clear that "glittering in the heart" is also not there, which
you want.
I have made you my goal. If there is anything that I
want to achieve, it is to become like you in everything. Of course
I am convinced that this can be possible only if you want this to
be achieved. I am not trying to make any excuses. I have not tried
hard enough - that is clear from what you now write. It has now
plunged me into despair.
I am conscious that I have not deserved even a fraction
of the love and grace that you have poured upon me all these 18
years that I have been at your holy feet. All that I now want in is
that by your Benevolent Grace, a day may dawn when you may call
me affectionately to your side, and say "Parthasarathi, you have
today deserved all that I have been giving you all these years.
Now proceed on with the work, and go ahead!"
Mistakes I have been making all my life. I have even
been guilty of disrespect towards your Divine and Holy SXXf on
not a few occasions. I beg your pardon for all my unthinking
failures and mistakes, and pray to you to rectify and correct all
the faults in me, and make of me what you will.
With Pranams, and love,
Your affectionately,

Deux trois petites choses qu'il n'est pas inutile de rappeler

Navneet Kumar Saxena et Shashwat Pandey ne sont pas des adorateurs de Chari, loin de là. Le premier a accusé Chari d'avoir produit un faux document en 1974, l'inverse peut être vrai pour ces documents soi-disant écrits en 1982.

Cyrille, dans la nébuleuse des full précepteurs nommés par Babuji, rapporte qu'aucun des fils de Babuji ne participait aux satsangs, au grand désespoir des abhyasis indiens et occidentaux. Comment se fait-il donc que Babuji ait décidé de nommer l'un de ses fils et de destituer Chari ?

Michael, qui ne peut être considéré lui-même comme un admirateur de Chari, présent en France en septembre 1982, témoigne que Babuji était malade et délirait. Il ajoute que tout document signé par Babuji à cette époque a peu de crédibilité :

Paris 1982

I attended the Paris 1982 gathering. My observation is that, at that time there were those who supported Chari and those who opposed him. Andre Poray was on the side that opposed Chari. There was no doubt in my mind that this gathering was an attempt to divert western attention away from Chari. Chari was explicitly not invited to the gathering, however, somehow, he managed to be there. I was told that this was because Babuji demanded Chari’s presence there. This may or may not be true, as Chari may simply have shown up on his own accord. Chari was in a room next to Babuji's, which adds credence to the theory that Babuji wanted him there. Members of Chari’s opposition attempted to attend to Babuji keeping Chari as far away as possible. I spent many an hour in Chari's room and witnessed Babuji's attendees sheepishly requesting Chari’s presence in Babujis room due to Babuji’s request.

I also witnessed that Babuji was sick and delirious. Attendees would drive him to the meditation hall, and carry him into the hall, this effort requiring two large men to carry out. He would black out and fall on his knees if he tried to walk. It was as if they were carrying a corpse into the hall for all to see. Any letter written by Babuji at this time in this state, is questionable, especially such a long letter as the one on the Umesh Clan website. In my opinion, any official documents signed by Babuji during this time frame has little credibility.

Chari on the other hand was also aggressively keeping himself in the public eye. He played the role of the man in exile, holding court in his small room, inviting friendly disciples to mediate with him. It was a very effective bit of drama as he knew that people like myself would see his opposition attempt to attend to Babuji in a western country, while Babuji had come accustomed to Chari serving this role. Babuji's constant calls for Chari were embarrassing I'm sure to Chari’s opposition.

As for the references to the doctor attending to Babuji. I spoke with the Doctor at length just after Babuji left. He was a German doctor who practiced both homeopathic and conventional, allopathic medicine. No mention of treachery. His story was that Babuji was far too sick to travel to the west and should never had made the trip. He felt that the trip to Paris would likely be the death of Babuji. Given that Babuji never fully recovered from this trip, his words have the most credibility of all other claims.

Source : Website de Michael le 24/02/2007

Restons prudents !

Source : website de Shashwat Pandey (Proofs… point 6)

Voir aussi Documents officiels ?